What is an Official Community Plan (OCP) review?

    An Official Community Plan review is an opportunity for the City to ensure the goals and objectives set out in the OCP are still important to the community. Since the OCP is a long-term guiding document it is also important that everything stated in the plan is still relevant to the future of the community and reflects the values of residents.

    Why is the Official Community Plan important?

    The OCP reflects the community’s values and priorities. By establishing a clear vision for the future, the community can shape its growth in a way that ensures a high quality of life for residents. OCP documents include policy goals and objectives that helps us to achieve that future.

    How does an Official Community Plan (OCP) help us reach our community goals?

    All municipal policies, plans and regulations must be aligned with the OCP Bylaw, so it is a powerful guide for City decision-making. An effective OCP provides clear direction, but is also interpreted by Council and staff based on evolving circumstances in the community. In this why, an OCP is considered to be a "living document" that is updated over time.  

    Who does an OCP affect and how is it used?

    An OCP affects all lands within the City and by extension all people who live and work in Port Alberni. City staff, developers, planners, engineers, and architects use the OCP to understand what the community wants as it relates to land uses. This could be affordable housing, parks, shopping, transportation, utility infrastructure or other community amenities.

    The OCP is also used to understand which areas are suitable for development and which are not (environmentally sensitive areas, steep slopes, hazardous areas, etc.). The public can also use the OCP to gain a better understanding of local issues and how they are planned to be addressed or what changes may happen in their neighbourhood.

    Why is there such a focus on land use and development policy?

    The BC Local Government Act outlines the purpose of an Official Community Plan (OCP). An OCP is an “statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management.” The legislation sets out what must be included in an OCP, and what a City may consider adding. For example, an OCP must include targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as policies for affordable housing.

    Why is public input needed?

    An Official Community Plan (OCP) review involves significant public engagement from beginning to end so that goals and policies accurately reflect the needs of the community. During an OCP update, the review process is open, transparent, and requires broad input from residents, elected officials, staff, and community groups. The City aims to engage residents of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the review.

    What is the difference between the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Zoning Bylaw?

    The Zoning Bylaw specifically targets building, development, and land use as it relates to a lot or site. The OCP is more high-level, and aside from stating general land use it is typically less focused on specific properties. For instance, the OCP will say “this is an area for future housing such as apartments”. The Zoning Bylaw will say, for example, that on a specific property the building may not be more that 14 metres tall, or cover more than 50% of the lot.

    Where can I get more information about the Official Community Plan Review?

    For additional information contact the City’s Development Services Department at 

    250-720-2830 or email ocp@portalberni.ca